Stack: Program to check if brackets are balanced
Write a program to check if the expression containing brackets are balanced or not
A series of brackets are balanced if for each opening bracket, there is a closing bracket of same type and at the relevant position
For e.g.
'{[]}' - This is balanced brackets
'[{]()' - This is not balanced brackets
General Idea
- Identify a bracket as an opening bracket or a closing bracket
- Use a stack
- When we encounter a open bracket we push that bracket in the stack
- When we encounter a closing bracket we pop the bracket from stack
- If the popped bracket is of same type as the closing bracket, we continue
- If not, the series of brackets are not balanced and so we stop
Java Code
import java.util.Stack;
class Balancebrackets{
Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
static char[][] stored = {{'{','}'},{'[',']'},{'(',')'}};
public static boolean isOpenTerm(char item){
for(char[] d : stored){
if(d[0] == item){
return true;
return false;
public static boolean matches(char popped, char item){
for(char[] d : stored){
if(d[0] == popped){
return d[1] == item;
return false;
public boolean isBalanced(String data){
for(char c : data.toCharArray()){
return false;
char popped = stack.pop();
if(matches( popped, c)){
return false;
return stack.isEmpty();
public static void main(String args[]){
Balancebrackets bb = new Balancebrackets();
String one = "{}[]{[()]}";
String two = "{}{[]";
System.out.println("The string " + one + " is balanced: " + bb.isBalanced(one));
System.out.println("The string " + two + " is balanced: " + bb.isBalanced(two));
Thanks for feedback.