Linked List: Program to find the length of a linked list

Write a program to find the length of the linked list

Linked list is a series of node in which each node contains data field
and reference (pointer) to next node in the list

Iterative Approach

  ● Initialize count as zero and set temporary Pointer (temp) on head node and.
  ● Traverse whole linked list till temp is not NULL
  ● Increase the count by one and go to the next node.
  ● After traversing linked list length is obtained

 Complexity :
 Time Complexity : O(n) , where n is the size of linked list
 Space Complexity : O(1)

Recursive Approach

  int getCount(head)
  1) If head is NULL, return 0
  2) Else return 1 + getCount(head -> next)

Time Complexity : O(n) , where n is the size of linked list
Space Complexity : O(1)

Java Code
class Node
        //initializing data field and next pointer of node
        int data;
        Node next;
        Node(int data)
            data = data;
            next = null;
    class LinkedList
        Node head;
        //insertion of node in linked list
        public void insert(int new_data)
            Node temp = new Node(new_data);
   = head;
            head = temp;
        //iterative approach
        public int length()
            Node current = head;
            int count = 0;
            while (current != null)
                current =;
            return count;
        //recursive approach
        public int findLengthRecursive(Node node)
            if (node == null)
                return 0;
            return 1 + findLengthRecursive(;
        public int findLength()
            return findLengthRecursive(head);
        public static void main(String[] args)
            //initializing object of linkedlist class
            LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
            //call for iterative function
            System.out.println("Using Iterative Approach");
            System.out.println("Length of Linked List is " + ll.length());
            //call for recursive function
            System.out.println("Using Recursive Approach");
            System.out.println("Length of Linked List is " + ll.findLength()); 

Using Iterative Approach
Length of Linked List is 5
Using Recursive Approach
Length of Linked List is 5

Thanks for feedback.

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