Linked List: Program to get the nth node in a linked list using recursive approach
Write a program to find the node in the nth position in a linked list
Linked list is a series of nodes in which each node contains a data field and
reference (pointer) to the next node in the list.
In this article we find the nth node in a given linked list. We solve this using the recursive approach
Recursive Approach
In this approach we simply traverse till position using recursion and return elements
- Initialise count as one and check if head is then return NULL
- If count is equal to position return,else call function again with passing and given position-1
Time Complexity : O(n) , where n is the size of linked list
Space Complexity : O(n)
Java Code
import java.util.*;
class FindNthNodeRecursive {
class Node {
// initialising data field and next pointer of node
int data;
Node next;
Node(int d) { = d; = null;
Node head;
// creating a linked list using array
public void buildLinkedlist(int startingNodeArray[], int noOfNodes) {
int i;
Node temp, last;
temp = new Node(startingNodeArray[0]); = null;
head = temp;
last = temp;
for (i = 1; i < noOfNodes; i++) {
temp = new Node(startingNodeArray[i]); = null; = temp;
last = temp;
// printing of linkedList
public void printLinkedlist() {
List allNodesList = new ArrayList<>();
Node temp = head;
while (temp != null) {
temp =;
System.out.println(String.join(" -> ", allNodesList));
// getting nth element using recursive approach
public int getNthElementRecursive(Node head, int position) {
int count = 1;
if (head == null)
return -1;
if (count == position)
return getNthElementRecursive(, position - 1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] linkedlistElements = new int[] { 10, 30, 50, 40, 70, 90 };
int numberOfNodes = 6;
FindNthNodeRecursive ll = new FindNthNodeRecursive();
ll.buildLinkedlist(linkedlistElements, numberOfNodes);
System.out.println("Given Linked List ");
System.out.println("Using Recursive Approach ");
int Element = ll.getNthElementRecursive(ll.head, 5);
System.out.println("Element at position 5 is: " + Element);
Given Linked List
10 -> 30 -> 50 -> 40 -> 70 -> 90
Using Recursive Approach
Element at position 5 is: 70
Thanks for feedback.