Arrays Data Structure
Arrays are fundamental data structures in programming that allow you to store multiple values of the
same data type under a single variable name. They provide a convenient way to access and manipulate
collections of elements.
Each element in an array is identified by its index, which is a non-negative integer. Array indexing
typically starts at 0, meaning the first element of the array is at index 0, the second element is
at index 1, and so on.
For example:
int[] arrayOfIntegers = new int[5];
This line of code initializes an array arrayOfIntegers capable of holding 5 integers. In memory,
would look like a block of memory with space allocated for 5 integers, but they're not assigned any
specific values until you do so explicitly.
Arrays Programs
- Reverse an array
- Find the minimum element in a sorted and rotated array
- Rotate an array to right
- Print the elements of an array
- Search minimum & maximum element from Array
- Rotate an array to left
- Merge two sorted arrays
- Move 0's towards the end of an array
- Convert a sorted array into a binary search tree - recursive approach
- Check if an array is a min heap
- Remove duplicates from an unsorted array
- Find the kth smallest element in the array
- Find the kth largest element in the array
- Remove duplicates from a sorted Array
- Find the missing and repeated element in the given array
- Find the duplicate value in an array
- Search an element in a sorted and rotated array
- Merge overlapping Intervals
- Minimum number of merge operation to make an array palindrom